SPRING 2018: Families First is excited to announce that we have launched a new Power of Parenting curriculum for parents of the youngest children—from birth to age three.
We are partnering with Boston Basics, and our new curriculum is powered by their five parenting and caregiving principles. These principles encompass much of what experts find is important for children during the early years:
Families First and Boston Basics are working together in order to ensure that every parent and caregiver is fully supported to use these principles in everyday life.
The 12-week Power of Parenting program provides a means of conveying information and strategies to parents in a way that encourages both a depth of understanding and skill-building that leads to long-term impact.
The Boston Basics Campaign was created by Ron Ferguson, PhD, Director of the Achievement Gap Initiative at Harvard University. At Families First’s Breakfast in October 2017, Dr. Ferguson spoke about the value in collaborating to support parents during the early years:
“I want to say what a thrill it is to be in partnership now with Families First in trying to spread the word about how important those first three years in life are… because if we work together, we can make a huge difference during that period.”

The new Power of Parenting Birth to Three program is currently running in both Spanish and English at the East Boston Social Centers, and we are already seeing tremendous impact!