“As a social justice advocate and parenting educator, I wholeheartedly believe that finding the peace within yourself, and then manifesting it in your household and to those you interact with, is one avenue to creating a peaceful world.”

Yvette has spent over 30 years dedicated to volunteering and working with families and children. She is a trained mediator, social justice advocate, and workshop trainer and educator.
Presently, she is the Mediation Coordinator at one of the largest public high schools in Massachusetts. There she trains and supervises students to resolve conflicts that arise amongst their peers and, on occasion, with teachers.
Yvette’s early career was spent working as the Director of the Roxbury/Dorchester office of the Big Brother Association of Greater Boston. She also worked in nonprofit agencies that provided parent support and education. Her work with parents included teen parents, incarcerated parents, single parents, and grandparents parenting again.
She is also a wife, mother of two daughters, and proud grandmother of three uniquely different and completely divine grandchildren.